
transmission of psychological consequences

transmission of psychological consequences of traumatic experiences

The transmission of psychological consequences of traumatic experiences to subsequent generations has been increasingly discussed in recent years. In addition to traumatic experiences and their consequences, the style of upbringing and communication about the experience are assumed to be possible factors influencing transgenerational transmission.

In one study, the phenomenon of transgenerational transmission of traumatic experiences was investigated in Cambodia. A total of approximately 800 Cambodian survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime and their (now adult) children were interviewed as part of the study.

In another study in 2021, a study was conducted with children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. The goal was to examine the descendants’ view of themselves and the world, as well as their general sense of stress. Descendants who grew up either in Israel, the US or Germany were contacted.


The project was funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The project in 2021 was funded by AMCHA Germany e.V.


Freie Universität Berlin; TPO Cambodia; AMCHA Germany, e.V.


Dr. Maya Böhm
Dr. Yuriy Nesterko
Tel.: (030) 30 39 06 -71


Schwerpunkte: Wissenschaftliche Begleitung, Internet-basierte Behandlungsansätze, Konsequenzen extremer Traumatisierung und Psychodiagnostik.