How we work
Mission Statement
The “Zentrum ÜBERLEBEN” (Center ÜBERLEBEN) is a national and internationally active institution, which paves the way for victims of violence, refugees and migrants to a future which reaffirms the dignity and worth of the human person. We, the team of the Center ÜBERLEBEN, having developed these goals together, share a commitment to realizing our mission.
Our Vision
We share a vision of one world in which the dignity of human life and the human rights of each and every individual are guaranteed regardless of ethnic heritage religion, gender, social status, or political conviction. Our goal is the pursuit of a future free of violence.
Our Task
We promote extensive professional help to people who have been severely traumatized by torture, the violence of war, people who seek refuge or are victims of persecution or domestic violence. They should once again be able to live self-reliant and dignified lives and to develop prospects for the future. Our self-concept derives from constitutional rights as they have been adopted by the German Constitution, as well as the rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the General Assembly of the United Nations. In accordance with the above, we promote the inviolability of human dignity, the right to physical integrity, the strict prohibition of cruel inhuman treatment and the right to free development of the individual. We promote the right to protection from physical and sexual abuse as well as safeguarding the right to education and a nonviolent upbringing. We focus on particularly vulnerable groups in need of protection such as women, children, juveniles, the elderly and the disabled. We also endeavor to facilitate the social integration of refugees and migrants as well as supporting their participation in civil society.
Our Path
We offer a broad range of services for victims of torture and other forms of violence, traumatized refugees of all ages and for migrants suffering from psychological disorders. This encompasses medical and therapeutical as well as social welfare services. Further concentrations are the strengthening of personal resources, occupational qualification, language acquisition and training, as well as violence prevention.
Our work is based upon field-tested concepts. By means of ongoing research we continually examine and optimize our methods and basic approaches.
We are politically unaffiliated, however by no means neutral: We side with victims of human rights violations and expedite their rehabilitation. We view the realization of their rights as an integral part of our work and advocate for survivors their right to public recognition.
In order to effectively implement our goals, we work together with public agencies and non-government organizations; on a national level we are actively involved in professional associations and committees. Due to our participation in the establishment of treatment centers in areas where crises have led to human rights violations, we are able to contribute our own expertise and experience worldwide.
Together with international partner organizations we promote tolerance, democratization and a culture of non-violent humaneness. We regard awareness-raising and prevention, as well as continuing education and documentation as our active contribution to the prevention of torture and other forms of violence.