About Us
Funding & Network
Funding (Main Sponsors)

International Network
As a member of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), the Center ÜBERLEBEN engages in global lobbying to support treatment centres in persecuting states and to prevent torture worldwide.
National Network
The Center ÜBERLEBEN is a member of the the German Association of Psychosocial Centres for Refugees and Victims of Torture (BAfF e.V.). The BAfF unites the efforts of German treatment centres for traumatised victims of torture and promotes the professional exchange of experience and knowledge between the centres. It represents common concerns in terms of improving the quality of life of survivors of politically motivated violence and develops quality standards for the appropriate treatment of traumatised refugees. In addition, it promotes awareness of the consequences of organised violence and life in exile among the public and the relevant specialist circles.
The Center ÜBERLEBEN is an alliance member of United4Rescue. United4Rescue is a non-profit, independent organisation that supports civil sea rescue in the Mediterranean and helps to save lives. At the same time, United4Rescue is a broad alliance of hundreds of organisations. The alliance is publicly committed to sea rescue and safe escape routes for refugees.