Donate and Help
Helping with rehabilitation and integration
With your support, you enable us to safeguard our holistic offers including therapeutic treatment, integration as well as vocational qualifications.
Creating professional perspective
Promote young people of diverse backgrounds, to become competent and responsible caregivers. Yearly over 100 students start their training in our vocational college Paulo Freire.
Rediscover own resources
Help traumatized people to gain access to themselves. In creative and movement therapies, they are learning again to feel their bodies and to find an artistic way to express the unspeakable.
To support with knowledge
Preserve our unique specialized library for documentation and research regarding physical and psychological ramifications of violence, torture and pursuit. It is indispensable for the daily work and training of our co-workers.
There are many ways to support survivors of Torte and violence with your donation.
A new start is difficult if you’ve lost everything and have been inwardly shattered. Help us to accompany survivors of torture and war crimes, traumatised refugees and migrants on their way into a humane and dignified future.
Donation Account
IBAN: DE82 1002 0500 0001 5048 00
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
„It is not constantly in my head anymore“
»I am fine. My daughter goes to school now, and she likes it. I am working in a tailor’s shop. I put some money aside every month because I want to go freelance. I can of course not forget what I’ve experienced, but it is not in my head constantly anymore and I am alive again.«
Halide, Kurdish patient from Turkey
What do you wish for?
Why not answer this question with a call for donations! Dispense with gifts and helpsomeone who desperately needs your contribution.
You can support the Center ÜBERLEBEN e.g.on the occasion of your birthday, your wedding, the birth of a child, a baptism or an anniversary, just ask your guests to donate instead of bringing a gift. You can donate individually or give a collected donation.
Furthermore, you can combine your donation with a business celebration, or make donations on behalf of clients instead of giving presents at Christmas time.
Contact us if you would like to support refugees and torture survivors with a charitable event!
Do you have further questions?
For any questions regarding donations please contact our Fundraising an PR-Officer

Verena Schoke
Fundraising an PR-Officer
Tel.: +40(030) 30 39 06 -28
Donation Receipt
For donations from an amount of more than 20€ we automatically send a donation receipt.