6. February 2018


Research READINESS TO RECONSILE READINESS TO RECONSILE Human rights violations characterize the image of many countries and regions. More and more war tribunals and reconciliation commissions ar [...]

6. February 2018

Transgenerationale Weitergabe

Research transmission of psychological consequences transmission of psychological consequences of traumatic experiences The transmission of psychological consequences of traumatic experiences to [...]

6. February 2018

Komplexe PTBS und dissoziativer Subtyp

Research COMPLEX PTSD AND DISSOCIATIVE SUBTYP PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (cPTSD) describes a clinical picture that can develop as a result of severe, long-term traum [...]

6. February 2018

Psychische Belastung bei Dolmetschenden

Research PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS IN INTERPRETERS Study on the mental health of interpreters The study was a nationwide online survey conducted by the Center ÜBERLEBEN in cooperation with the Freie [...]

6. February 2018


Research Integrative Testimonial Therapy In the last decade, the group of former war children from World War II has increasingly come into the focus of scientific research. Studies have been abl [...]

7. September 2017


Department für Refugee Services Counseling Psychological Support Guidance in Career Orientation and Qualification Legal Counseling Psychological Support The psychological support includes [...]

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