Housing Project for Female Migrants

Supportive Housing Project for Female Migrants – Therapy and Integration in Everyday Life.
Who comes to us
Refugee women who are older than 18
- who have been traumatized through experiences of torture / persecution / violence / sexual abuse
- who, as a result of their experiences, require gender-specific care and treatment
- whose psycho-emotional problems cannot be solved without professional care
- who require support services through the help of language translation
Our clients live alone or with families in their own apartments or in refugee shelters. Additionally, we are able to offer four places in our cooperative housing apartments in Berlin-Mitte.
What we offer
Each client is assigned to a case manager / social worker and as needed, a psychotherapist. Services are provided through the support of trained language interpreters. The clients are supported according to their individual needs and thereby begin to slowly regain their autonomy in the context of a safe and secure environment.
Our services include:
The women in our Housing Community are cared for and supported by our multi-professional and multi-cultural team, made up of psychologists and social workers, and further assisted by trained language interpreters, interns and volunteers.
Further Information
Here you can find more information leaflets in several languages.