Vocational School Paulo Freire

The Paulo Freire Vocational School at the Center ÜBERLEBEN is a state-recognised independent school. We train social assistants. At the school, we also offer courses to catch up on school-leaving qualifications and basic nursing courses and are committed to establishing a transcultural nursing and training practice.
At the Paulo Freire Vocational School, students and participants are supported in becoming competent assistants, gaining good opportunities in a sought-after professional field and acquiring the foundations for subsequent training programmes. A further aim is to support the pupils and participants in overcoming exclusion and marginalisation. In line with the mission statement of the Center ÜBERLEBEN, the aim is to pave the way for their independence by integrating them into a socially demanded occupational field.

For detailed information please visit the website of Vocational School Paulo Freire:
Further information
Here you can find more information leaflets in the area of job orientation and qualification.